Increase your sales by distribution: change these misconceptions!
Louis Larochelle
Recent articles
9 Mar
Prospects’ buying habits are changing at a rapid pace, but are B2B salespeople following best practices to increase sales and avoid prospect traps?
Frédéric Lucas
5 minutes read
Has B2B sales adapted to the way decision-makers buy?
28 Aug
Representatives often do not have the required skills or know how to negotiate well. Here is how to proceed during a consultative sale.
Louis Larochelle
5 minutes read
Negotiation 101 in Consultative Selling
13 Aug
It is necessary to know when to use transactional selling rather than consultative selling, because there’s a difference of investment and effort required.
Frédéric Lucas
3 minutes read
When Not to Use Consultative Selling, but Rather Transactional Selling
28 Jun
Consensus in decision-making makes the sales process more complex and undermines opportunity. To minimize risks, representatives must avoid this situation.
Louis Larochelle
3 minutes read
Reaching Consensus: A Problem Rather Than a Solution
12 Jun
The inbound call is not the miracle cure for the ineffectiveness of the cold call and this method of prospecting is also misused. Follow our expert advice.
Frédéric Lucas
4 minutes read
New form of prospecting: inbound call better than cold call?
23 May
The Baseline Selling Methodology is an easy to use and easy to customize consultative selling approach. Learn why you and your salesforce should use it.
Frédéric Lucas
3 minutes read
What is Baseline Selling Methodology and why you should use it
17 May
There are many fake reasons to lose sales. Sales leaders must be able to recognize the real reasons for their salespeople’s failure.
Louis Larochelle
3 minutes read
The real and fake reasons for loosing sales
11 Apr
Resist the urge to send out an early proposal by halting a prospect who’s trying to fast track the process. Proposing should remain at the end of the sales process, when the prospect and rep have a clear grasp of the situation.
Blogueur invité
4 minutes read
How to Resist the Urge to Send a Proposal Too Early
18 Mar
We are pleased to join the CPSA as an Accredited Partner and start offering our comprehensive sales training programs to the CPSA network of sales professionals. Prima Resource implements sustainable best practices and process along three axes of sales excellence: people, structure and execution.
Émeline Gleitz
2 minutes read
Prima Resource inc. now offers CPSA Accredited Sales Training Program
26 Dec
You don’t sell to a customer who HAS to buy the way as with a customer who COULD buy. One key to success is figuring out how to convert a has to buy to a could buy. Find out how to distinguish between the 2 types of customers to close more sales.
Frédéric Lucas
3 minutes read
How to Identify a Prospects Reasons for Buying
22 Aug
Sometimes, salespeople have no control over a negative sales outcome, even if they perform the sales process perfectly. What should they do in such cases?
Blogueur invité
3 minutes read
Negative Sales Outcome: Have you done enough?
27 Jul
In sales, competition has many facets. Salespeople tend to only focus on direct competitors, but there are 3 types of competition and it is necessary to know that they are generally all present. That is why a sales process must allow the sales team to address them all adequately.
Frédéric Lucas
3 minutes read
3 Types of Competition You Need to Manage to Win Sales
2 May
What’s a B2B Sales Process? How efficient is your current process? Discover the benefits and elements of an optimized sales process as well as some of the required steps.
Frédéric Lucas
4 minutes read
The B2B Sales Process: Ingredients, Benefits and Stages
25 Apr
Are you looking to rework your sales process? Here are 5 key sales process steps your representatives should follow to optimize your sales team performance
Frédéric Lucas
4 minutes read
5 Steps of an Efficient Sales Process
18 Apr
Managing the length of a sales process has an impact on the total duration of the sales cycle. It might sound ironic, but you need to slow down to close faster.
Émeline Gleitz
4 minutes read