7 Steps to Hire the Ideal Sales Talent
Chris Kardaras
Recent articles
9 Jan
Small gestures focused on training, coaching and following-up with your distributors can have very beneficial effects on your sale objectives.
Louis Larochelle
6 minutes read
Increase your sales by distribution: change these misconceptions!
3 Oct
AI has been around for a long time, but is now a concrete tool for sales professionals, and can play four major roles for sales reps…
Louis Larochelle
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Revolutionize your sales strategy with AI
26 Sep
The essential elements that will enable you to measure the performance of your sales team and better plan your growth.
Frédéric Lucas
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What indicators should you use to measure the performance of your sales team?
Jonathan Lucas
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How technology freed up 20% of our sales team’s time
23 Aug
- Sales Coaching
- Competencies & DNA
- Développement personnel et professionnel
- Sales Management
- Sales Structure
Understanding the signs that a sales rep needs to improve their skills is crucial to increasing sales performance.
Louis Larochelle
7 minutes read
How do you know when a sales rep needs to improve their skills?
8 Aug
Internal and external sales are fundamentally different, even from one sales organization to another.
Frédéric Lucas
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Inside and outside sales have more (and less) in common than you might think
27 Jul
Choosing a CRM for your sales team is a crucial decision that impacts sales productivity and performance.
Jonathan Lucas
7 minutes read
Choosing a CRM: you’re overlooking the most important element
12 Jul
- Coaching en gestion des ventes
- Sales Coaching
- Sales Growth
- Sales Leadership
- Sales Management
- Sales Strategy
- Sales Structure
- Sales Transformation
Discover the five tips that will enable you to successfully manage change in a sales team.
Louis Larochelle
6 minutes read
5 tips for successful change management in sales teams
21 Jun
Don’t underestimate the power of listening and communication in sales; they are the foundations on which success is built.
Frédéric Lucas
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The Art of Selling: Communication and Active Listening
20 Apr
Sales organizations can be simple or they can be complex. Read the full article to learn the different roles of a sales organization.
Frédéric Lucas
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The Different Roles of a Sales Organization
30 Mar
Here are 5 strategies for selling and maintaining margins in the context of inflation to ensure the sustainability of B2B companies.
Louis Larochelle
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5 Strategies B2B Companies Can Use to Maintain Margins When Inflation Is High
17 Jan
Successful sales transformations require 7 key steps that define what to transform and how to transform. Learn about the proven process.
Frédéric Lucas
5 minutes read
7 keys to a successful B2B sales transformation [video]
8 Dec
Explore the best strategies for recruiting B2B salespeople to help SMBs overcome the obstacles associated with the current talent shortage.
Frédéric Lucas
5 minutes read
Talent shortage, the best strategies to hire B2B salespeople
12 Jan
CRM is a key tool to strengthen the sales team on a daily basis. That’s why the cheapest or most popular option is often not a good fit.
Jonathan Lucas
4 minutes read
Why implement a quality CRM, not the cheapest or most popular option?
2 Sep
Adapt your management style to ensure the discipline of your sales force, the elimination of deficient behaviours and goal achievement
Louis Larochelle
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Sales managers’ challenges with accountability
2 Jun
How to make the sales training that you offer to your salespeople more profitable by applying 5 principles of sales reinforcement and coaching
Frédéric Lucas
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Sales managers: 5 ways to reinforce sales training for higher performance
19 Mar
As a sales manager, learn how to improve your recruitment and coaching methods with a specific sales evaluation tool.
Éric Dionne
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The one tool I missed the most when I was a sales manager
22 Jan
- Consultative Selling
- Prospecting
- Sales Coaching
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- Sales Leadership
- Sales Management
- Social Selling
We have compiled the articles that have been the most popular among our readers this year. Read about sales management, sales coaching, and social selling.
Émeline Gleitz
2 minutes read
Top 5 of our most read sales articles in 2019
18 Oct
How a sales manager’s resistance to change can be detrimental to success when implementing a new transformation program of the sales force
Frédéric Lucas
3 minutes read
5 signs that a sales manager is sabotaging the sales transformation
4 Apr
Sales managers should benefit from the same type of coaching sessions as sales reps. This coaching should be provided by sales leaders. Managers should be listened to and practice dealing with various tough situations through role play.
Blogueur invité
5 minutes read
How to Coach a Sales Manager
15 Mar
Sales leaders benefit from reviewing the order of their priorities. Balancing goals and incorporating proper training programs are a few ways to increase the efficiency in sales.
Frédéric Lucas
4 minutes read
Leaders are Placing Sales Priorities in the Wrong Order!
21 Feb
The key to a successful coaching session is to create a safe environment for your reps. They must feel listened to and be confident that they can openly discuss their mistakes without fear of repercussions.
Blogueur invité
4 minutes read
3 Coaching Aspects Sales Managers Need to Master
15 Feb
What are the key roles and responsibilities of sales managers? They need to dedicate most of their time to 4 specific areas. Read the full article to learn more!
Frédéric Lucas
9 minutes read
Roles and responsibilities of sales managers
8 Feb
Sales managers impact a team’s performance. However, no matter how skilled they are as managers are, results are enhanced or limited by the sales manager’s beliefs. Some are sales-related, others are management-related. Here’s how to address their limiting beliefs.
Émeline Gleitz
4 minutes read
4 Sales Managers’ Beliefs That Limit Sales Performance
7 Nov
Many sales managers are ill-equipped to face the challenges of their position. How does a sales leader determine if the sales manager is a good fit for their role? Sales manager evaluations help answer these 12 core sales manager questions.
Frédéric Lucas
8 minutes read
12 Sales Manager Questions Leaders Need to Have Answered
17 Oct
The sales team is the driving force behind company growth. Without it, there’s no new income. However, sales management isn’t easy and most sales managers don’t have the necessary skills.
Discover the 10 core elements of an effective sales management.
Frédéric Lucas
11 minutes read
How to Manage a Sales Team: The Ultimate Guide
10 Oct
Hiring a sales manager? Thinking of promoting someone from within? Discover the 20 skills and competencies every great sales manager should have.
Émeline Gleitz
8 minutes read
20 Essential Skills of Successful Sales Managers
12 Sep
Different from group coaching, co-development uses the collective intelligence of the sales team to help a salesperson progress in a blocked sales opportunity and ultimately increase sales.
Louis Larochelle
5 minutes read
How to Use Co-Development to Increase Sales
22 Jun
Looking to become a sales manager? The functions are very different from that of sales representative. Here are 8 things to know…
Frédéric Lucas
4 minutes read
8 Things You Need to Know Before Being Promoted to Sales Manager
11 May
Here are 18 essential questions that every business leader should ask sales managers, by the week, month and quarter. Read the full article to learn more!
Frédéric Lucas
4 minutes read
Business Leaders: 18 Questions You Must Ask Your Sales Managers
6 Apr
SMBs often overlook the impact that their Sales Managers have. They require a unique combination of skills and abilities that standard recruitment processes don’t allow to optimize for. But, when a Sales Manager focuses on team performance rather than on sales that a company is most profitable.
Frédéric Lucas
3 minutes read