Top 5 of our most read sales articles in 2019

22 Jan

Top 5 of our most read sales articles in 2019

Émeline Gleitz

Dear readers, we are thankful for the interest you have shown towards the articles we have published during the year. The team at Prima Resource hopes that these articles have been useful to you, whether you are a business leader, entrepreneur, sales manager or sales representative. Some articles have sparked more curiosity and we have compiled them for you to discover them or to rediscover them a second time.


Recent articles


11 Dec

Learning to refuse sales opportunities can be counter-intuitive, but it will allow you to choose only the best and save time and energy

Frédéric Lucas

4 minutes read

Why should sales opportunities be disqualified instead of qualified


14 Nov

How to eliminate inaccuracies in sales forecasts to reach goals and generate growth. Stop making 6 mistakes in sales forecasts by following simple rules.

Louis Larochelle

4 minutes read

6 sales forecast errors that will make you miss your goals


18 Oct

How a sales manager’s resistance to change can be detrimental to success when implementing a new transformation program of the sales force

Frédéric Lucas

3 minutes read

5 signs that a sales manager is sabotaging the sales transformation


17 Sep

To have more growth and ensure sustainability, business leaders must invest in sales (analysis, processes, training and coaching).

Blogueur invité

5 minutes read

The Importance of Investing in Sales to Boost Growth


6 Sep

It is important for business leaders to be aware of the aspects of decision-making that can affect the company to address them.

Frédéric Lucas

4 minutes read

6 bad decision-making habits that hurt businesses


28 Aug

Representatives often do not have the required skills or know how to negotiate well. Here is how to proceed during a consultative sale.

Louis Larochelle

5 minutes read

Negotiation 101 in Consultative Selling


21 Aug

You don’t have to wait to ask for referrals, learn how you can ask for references as early as at the end of the first meeting or the prospecting call.

Blogueur invité

4 minutes read

When, How, and to Whom Should Salespeople Ask for Referrals?


13 Aug

It is necessary to know when to use transactional selling rather than consultative selling, because there’s a difference of investment and effort required.

Frédéric Lucas

3 minutes read

When Not to Use Consultative Selling, but Rather Transactional Selling


6 Aug

Years of experience in sales is not worth much if it is not supported by strong sales DNA. Find out what differentiates elite sellers from the rest.

Éric Dionne

3 minutes read

Sales Skills vs. Sales DNA: Here Is What to Focus on


31 Jul

The structure of a good sales coaching is essential to improve the performance of a sales team. To be an effective coach, follow our guidelines.

Louis Larochelle

6 minutes read

How to structure your sales representatives’ coaching


24 Jul

Large sales opportunities can be very attractive, but don’t let them spin you off your wheels. Variety is key to reaching your objectives and not caring.

Blogueur invité

4 minutes read

Are you handling large sales opportunities the right way?


17 Jul

Plan, build and maintain: the 3 steps to ensure you have an effective LinkedIn profile for social sales and establish your credibility.

Louis Larochelle

4 minutes read

3 Steps to Create a Great LinkedIn Profile for Salespeople


10 Jul

To integrate recurring revenues into your business model, you need to restructure your sales team, review your compensation plan and track sales.

Blogueur invité

3 minutes read

The Impact of Recurring Revenues on Sales


28 Jun

Consensus in decision-making makes the sales process more complex and undermines opportunity. To minimize risks, representatives must avoid this situation.

Louis Larochelle

3 minutes read

Reaching Consensus: A Problem Rather Than a Solution


12 Jun

The inbound call is not the miracle cure for the ineffectiveness of the cold call and this method of prospecting is also misused. Follow our expert advice.

Frédéric Lucas

4 minutes read

New form of prospecting: inbound call better than cold call?


5 Jun

In-person or over the phone communications are 34 times more efficient than email communications. Understand how you can get more results in sales by using the phone or meeting with people.

Émeline Gleitz

4 minutes read

Science proves that face-to-face is more effective than email


23 May

The Baseline Selling Methodology is an easy to use and easy to customize consultative selling approach. Learn why you and your salesforce should use it.

Frédéric Lucas

3 minutes read

What is Baseline Selling Methodology and why you should use it


17 May

There are many fake reasons to lose sales. Sales leaders must be able to recognize the real reasons for their salespeople’s failure.

Louis Larochelle

3 minutes read

The real and fake reasons for loosing sales


10 May

A high turnover rate of your sales reps is problematic. However, a low turnover rate should also be avoided. What’s the right balance to achieve and, above all, why?

Frédéric Lucas

4 minutes read

What causes a high turnover rate in a sales force?


3 May

Business leaders need to develop effective ways to improve the recruitment of their salespeople to cut their losses and reach goals.

Louis Larochelle

3 minutes read

The science of sales recruitment


11 Apr

Resist the urge to send out an early proposal by halting a prospect who’s trying to fast track the process. Proposing should remain at the end of the sales process, when the prospect and rep have a clear grasp of the situation.

Blogueur invité

4 minutes read

How to Resist the Urge to Send a Proposal Too Early


9 Apr

The trick to get out of a pricing conversation, or how not to get stuck in one, is using consultative and value selling. With open-ended questions, reveal the client’s compelling reasons to buy. Focus on value, not price!

Blogueur invité

3 minutes read

How to Avoid Getting Stuck in a Price Conversation


4 Apr

Sales managers should benefit from the same type of coaching sessions as sales reps. This coaching should be provided by sales leaders. Managers should be listened to and practice dealing with various tough situations through role play.

Blogueur invité

5 minutes read

How to Coach a Sales Manager


18 Mar

We are pleased to join the CPSA as an Accredited Partner and start offering our comprehensive sales training programs to the CPSA network of sales professionals. Prima Resource implements sustainable best practices and process along three axes of sales excellence: people, structure and execution.

Émeline Gleitz

2 minutes read

Prima Resource inc. now offers CPSA Accredited Sales Training Program


15 Mar

Sales leaders benefit from reviewing the order of their priorities. Balancing goals and incorporating proper training programs are a few ways to increase the efficiency in sales.

Frédéric Lucas

4 minutes read

Leaders are Placing Sales Priorities in the Wrong Order!


28 Feb

A sales manager must make sure their sales reps don’t negatively impact the sales process with their discomfort to talk about money. With coaching and role play, the sales manager can help the reps get over their discomfort.

Frédéric Lucas

4 minutes read

Why are Sales Representatives Uncomfortable Talking About Money?


21 Feb

The key to a successful coaching session is to create a safe environment for your reps. They must feel listened to and be confident that they can openly discuss their mistakes without fear of repercussions.

Blogueur invité

4 minutes read

3 Coaching Aspects Sales Managers Need to Master


15 Feb

What are the key roles and responsibilities of sales managers? They need to dedicate most of their time to 4 specific areas. Read the full article to learn more!

Frédéric Lucas

9 minutes read

Roles and responsibilities of sales managers


13 Feb

Employers must take into account industry, growth, and risk factor as well as a rep’s motivation type when drawing up their compensation plans.

Blogueur invité

4 minutes read

Sales Compensation Plans: Salary or Commission-based


8 Feb

Sales managers impact a team’s performance. However, no matter how skilled they are as managers are, results are enhanced or limited by the sales manager’s beliefs. Some are sales-related, others are management-related. Here’s how to address their limiting beliefs.

Émeline Gleitz

4 minutes read

4 Sales Managers’ Beliefs That Limit Sales Performance


6 Feb

Do you need an effective solution to lower customer resistance even before they speak with sales? Invest in a content marketing strategy. But to do this, marketing needs to focus on these 3 things…

Frédéric Lucas

4 minutes read

How to Lower Prospect Resistance with Content Marketing


1 Feb

A VP Sales compensation plan plays a huge role in a company’s success, it should reflect their level of performance and responsibility. Learn more!

Blogueur invité

3 minutes read

How to Create the Best VP Sales Compensation Structure


30 Jan

Role-playing is an essential coaching tool to develop salespeople. They are 4 situations where role-playing works particularly well: recruitment, onboarding and development of a salesperson as well as during pre-meeting coaching sessions.

Louis Larochelle

4 minutes read

Improve Your Sales Coaching with Role-Play


25 Jan

LinkedIn is an essential tool for any salesperson who needs to find new business. While most reps simply connect with prospects and spew out their pitches, this approach generates much better results. Follow this 4-step approach to get more success when you use LinkedIn.

Louis Larochelle

5 minutes read

How to Use LinkedIn for Prospecting


23 Jan

When reviewing sales compensation plans, sales VPs should start with a sales force evaluation, then conduct a yearly review of their team’s motivation and turnover levels, and look at the market for comparable.

Blogueur invité

4 minutes read

4 Things to Consider When Reviewing Sales Compensation Plans


18 Jan

Good salespeople take it upon themselves to become better reps. They invest time money and effort to improve sales skills. These are the 6 ways to become a better salesperson…

Frédéric Lucas

7 minutes read

How to Become a Better Salesperson


16 Jan

It is important to acknowledge successes and celebrate victories. However, good times shouldn’t be synonymous relaxing. Avoid falling into complacency and take advantage of good times to surpass yourself as a sales leader and rep.

Frédéric Lucas

3 minutes read

4 Reasons Your Sales Department Isn’t Recession Proof


11 Jan

Sales has radically changed since 2008. Consultative selling helps salespeople succeed in this new environment. Discover what is and isn’t consultative selling, what are the skills required and why so few salespeople can actually do it.

Frédéric Lucas

10 minutes read

What’s Consultative Selling?


9 Jan

With this ultimate sales coaching guide, learn when and how often to coach, how to set coaching goals and how to use role-playing as a coaching tool.

Louis Larochelle

8 minutes read

The Ultimate Sales Coaching Guide


4 Jan

Sales management should be based principles that defy the passing of time. The following article brings together 10 fundamental concepts that any ambitious representative, director and sales leader must master.

Émeline Gleitz

4 minutes read

10 Essential Selling Principles You’ll Need This Year


2 Jan

This article is a must-read for every sales representative, sales manager, or sales leader looking to improve their selling skills with the 10 fundamental pieces of sales advice.

Émeline Gleitz

4 minutes read

10 Best Pieces of Sales Advice


28 Dec

Reaching decision-makers is one of the key sales success indicators. But reps often don’t do it – even if they know how. There are 3 main reasons why they don’t reach decision-makers. The main consequence is a significant increase in the length of the sales cycle.

Frédéric Lucas

6 minutes read

How to Reach Decision Makers